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Do It Yourself

Vector Studio

Generate text-to-vector graphics and refine them using the SVG editor

Stable Diffusion WebUI Vector Studio is an integrated JavaScript-SVG-Editor (SVG-Edit) for Stable Diffusion WebUI Automatic 1111↗︎ that adds a new dimension of functionality to Stable Diffusion WebUI. Here are the key points:

  1. Primary Features: Vector Studio introduces an interactive vectorizer for both monochrome and color, labeled "SVGCode". It also enables post-processing using POTRACE, which can convert PNG prompts into SVG format. This allows for creating and editing text to vectorgraphics within this SVG editor, as well as starting with sketches in the editor and sending them to Controlnet for additional processing.

  2. Installation: To install Vector Studio, users should open the Extension Tab in SD-Webui and paste the GitHub URL into the "Install using URL" textbox. The tool locates POTRACE in the bin folder on its first run. If POTRACE is not found, Vector Studio automatically downloads and installs it.

  3. Additional Capabilities: Vector Studio also features a tab for SVG editing with "Sendto" buttons, allowing for easy transitions between the gallery and the SVG editor. It includes visual styles like Illustration, Tattoo, Anime, etc., to streamline the prompt-finding process.