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Under Review

Stable Diffusion 3 Medium

A smaller variant of Stable Diffusion 3

Stable Diffusion 3 Medium is a state-of-the-art text-to-image model developed by Stability AI. It leverages a Multimodal Diffusion Transformer (MMDiT) architecture to produce high-quality images from natural language prompts with improved performance in image quality, prompt complexity handling, and resource efficiency. 

Key Features

  • Multimodal Diffusion Transformer (MMDiT): Combines diffusion transformers and flow matching for enhanced image generation capabilities.
  • High Image Quality: Significant improvements in rendering detailed images, typography, and handling complex prompts.
  • Resource-Efficient: Optimized for performance with various configurations, including TensorRT and different precision settings (FP16, FP8).
  • Flexible Deployment: Can be used on local machines, cloud platforms, and APIs provided by Stability AI.

Technical Specifications

  • Parameter Sizes: Models range from 800 million to 8 billion parameters, providing options for different scalability and quality needs.
  • Training Data: Pre-trained on 1 billion images with fine-tuning on 30 million high-quality images and 3 million preference data images for specific styles and content.


Stable Diffusion 3 Medium can be used for a variety of purposes including:

  • Generating artworks and designs.
  • Educational and creative tools.
  • Research in generative models.

The model should not be used for creating factual representations of real people or events as it was not designed for such purposes.

Safety and Ethical Considerations

Stability AI emphasizes responsible AI practices and has implemented numerous safety measures to mitigate risks associated with misuse. This includes preventing the generation of harmful or inappropriate content. Users are encouraged to conduct their own testing and apply additional safeguards based on specific use cases.

Similar Models

  1. DALL-E 3: Developed by OpenAI, this model generates high-quality images from text prompts and integrates with ChatGPT for refined prompt handling.
  2. MidJourney: A popular text-to-image model available via a Discord bot, known for its high-quality artistic outputs.
  3. Runway ML: Offers various AI-powered creative tools, including text-to-image and video generation, with features like automatic motion tracking and background removal.


Stable Diffusion 3 Medium represents a significant advancement in generative AI, providing high-quality and efficient image generation capabilities. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, from artistic creation to educational tools, while adhering to stringent safety and ethical standards.